Ask Aunt Vadge

Aunt Vadge: there was blood after fingering, but no pain

A 15-year-old girl experienced unexpected bleeding after her boyfriend fingered her, with no associated pain. Aunt Vadge reassures her that this is likely due to hymenal remnants or minor, painless injuries within the vagina, and suggests ways to explore and understand their bodies better to prevent future bleeding and enhance their experience.

Aunt Vadge: three small flesh-coloured growths under urethra – it’s been months!

A 26-year-old female describes noticing three small, flesh-coloured, rice grain-shaped growths under the urethra, seeking advice on their nature. The response emphasizes the importance of a medical examination for an accurate diagnosis, mentioning that such lumps are usually benign but require professional assessment to explore treatment options.

Aunt Vadge: did yoga tear my clitoris?

A reader shares her concern about experiencing clitoral pain and discomfort following pelvic yoga stretches, wondering if she has caused a tear. Aunt Vadge reassures her it's unlikely to be a tear but suggests the pain could be related to past clitoral adhesion surgery, scar tissue, or hormonal fluctuations. She recommends gentle care, possibly including topical treatments, and emphasizes the importance of consulting a healthcare provider or a specialist like a pelvic floor physiotherapist or osteopath for a tailored treatment plan.

Aunt Vadge: vulvodynia and clitorodynia at the beach – can I do anything?

Dealing with vulvodynia and clitorodynia, especially at the beach, can be challenging. Aunt Vadge offers insights into potential triggers, including hormonal IUDs and tight clothing, and suggests reflexology as a possible method for temporary relief. With no one-size-fits-all solution, finding what works for your body is key. This article explores how reflexology, a practice that can be done anywhere, might help alleviate pain by targeting specific pressure points related to the vagina and clitoris.

Aunt Vadge: what are these white dots on clitoris and underwear?

Tiny white dots around the clitoris and dry specks in underwear can be alarming but are often benign. From Fordyce spots to yeast infections, Aunt Vadge outlines potential causes and advises seeking a professional diagnosis. She emphasizes the importance of avoiding harsh products and staying in tune with your body's changes, reassuring that these symptoms, while worth investigating, often have simple explanations.

Aunt Vadge: is my wife cheating on me?

Aunt Vadge addresses a concerned husband's query about his wife's labial tear, dissecting the possible non-sexual causes while acknowledging the underlying fears of infidelity. This response aims to illuminate the broader spectrum of reasons behind such physical occurrences, offering reassurance and guiding towards open, trust-building dialogue.

Aunt Vadge: is my butthole weird?

Addressing concerns about the appearance of the butthole, Aunt Vadge reassures that extra skin, hair, and discoloration are normal. She emphasizes self-acceptance and provides advice on dealing with these common issues, encouraging readers to focus on their positive attributes and not to obsess over minor imperfections.

Aunt Vadge: my vagina smells like something died in it

Experiencing a foul smell from your vagina can be alarming. Aunt Vadge highlights common causes such as bacterial vaginosis and sexually transmitted infections, emphasizing the importance of testing to identify the specific issue for effective treatment. Whether it's a simple bacterial imbalance or something requiring antibiotics, understanding the root cause is the first step to addressing vaginal odour.

Your vulva and vagina

What is inside my vagina?

We explain your anatomy, with diagrams, so that you can visualise what’s going on inside the bits you can’t see or touch. Learning what goes where means you can navigate tampons, masturbating, and at some point, if you want, having someone else touch you.

How to make a pelvic exam and pap test easier

Cervical screening is crucial for detecting abnormal cells that could lead to cancer. While the procedure can be intimidating and sometimes uncomfortable, especially with conditions like endometriosis or vaginismus, there are steps you can take to make it easier. From communicating with your healthcare provider to practicing relaxation techniques, learn how to prepare for and cope with the discomfort during a smear test.

Breastfeeding: impact on oestrogen levels, the vagina and pelvic floor

Breastfeeding significantly impacts oestrogen levels, resulting in lowered amounts that can cause vaginal dryness, decreased libido, pelvic floor weakness, and changes in the vaginal microbiome. This article delves into the effects of low oestrogen during lactation, the role of lactobacilli in maintaining vaginal health, and introduces hormone-free treatments and foods rich in phyto-oestrogens to alleviate symptoms.

Understanding hiatal, umbilical and inguinal hernias

Hernias occur when pressure in the body's cavities forces organs into neighboring spaces, leading to hiatal, umbilical, and inguinal hernias. Symptoms vary from acid reflux and abdominal pain to groin discomfort, highlighting the importance of balanced pressure and proper breathing. Understanding these conditions can guide individuals towards seeking appropriate medical help, including pelvic physiotherapy or osteopathy, to address hernias, pelvic floor dysfunction, and alignment issues.

Understanding the perineum

The perineum, a crucial area between the thighs, encompasses the vulva and anus, housing muscles, nerves, and serving as an erogenous zone. Its anatomy, particularly the urogenital and anal triangles, plays a significant role in sexual health, childbirth, and overall pelvic support. Understanding its structure and importance can aid in better personal care and prevention of common issues like tearing during childbirth.

Understanding the pelvic floor

The pelvic floor is a vital set of muscles supporting pelvic organs, aiding in childbirth, and enhancing sexual function. Weak or tight pelvic floor muscles can lead to urinary incontinence, bowel issues, and sexual dysfunction. This guide explores the importance of these muscles, common issues, and exercises to strengthen and relax the pelvic floor for improved health and well-being.

Feeling your cervix for signs of ovulation

Understanding the position, texture, and moisture of your cervix can provide valuable insights into your ovulation cycle. By learning how to feel your cervix at different times of your cycle, you can become more in tune with your body's fertility signals. This article guides you through the process of checking your cervix for signs of ovulation, including how to interpret its position (high or low), texture (soft or firm), and moisture level (wet or dry), helping you in your journey towards understanding your fertility better.

How to feel your own cervix

Feeling your cervix can provide insightful information about your menstrual cycle and ovulation periods. This article guides you through the process of locating and examining your cervix, highlighting the importance of cleanliness, comfort, and understanding the physical sensations associated with different stages of your cycle.

The hymenal ring, remnants and tags

The hymenal ring, or hymenal remnants, are tissues located just inside the vaginal entrance, resulting from the stretching or breaking of the hymen. These tissues, also known as carunculae myrtiformes, can be sensitive and play a role in various medical assessments and procedures. They may lead to conditions such as dyspareunia and can be involved in hymen reconstruction surgeries. Understanding their anatomy and potential health implications is crucial for women's sexual health.

Masturbating and sex

We talk you through masturbating and sex and everything in between. 

What happens to your body and brain when you orgasm

Embark on a fascinating journey through the hidden world of orgasms, where science meets sensuality. Unveil the secrets of your brain's response to sexual pleasure, illuminated by cutting-edge imaging technologies. Explore how the dance of neurotransmitters like dopamine and oxytocin intertwine to amplify your experience, offering a deeper understanding of the pleasure peaks. From the cerebral ballet during passion to the post-climax serenity, gain insights into how these intimate moments impact not just your body, but your emotional and mental well-being. This exploration is not just about biology; it's a celebration of the intricate interplay between mind, body, and emotion,

Understanding period sex

Having sex during menstruation doesn't have to be messy or taboo. This article delves into practical tips for engaging in period sex, addressing common concerns and debunking myths. From using dark-coloured towels to discussing the best time for intimacy and the importance of communication, it covers everything you need to know to navigate period sex with confidence and comfort.

Is it safe to put food in your vagina?

Using food in sexual play can be enticing, but it's important to know which foods are safe for vaginal use and which could pose risks. This article delves into the do's and don'ts of incorporating food into your intimate moments, offering guidelines on how to do so safely while avoiding potential hazards like infections or allergic reactions. From vegetables to dairy products, learn what's safe and what's not for a healthy and enjoyable experience.

How do lesbians lose their virginity?

The concept of virginity in lesbian and queer relationships transcends traditional definitions, focusing on a variety of first sexual experiences rather than the presence of a penis. This article delves into how personal beliefs and intimate moments, from first orgasms to oral sex, shape the understanding of virginity among lesbians, challenging conventional norms and encouraging a broader, more inclusive perspective.

Sleep sexing – understanding sexsomnia

Sexsomnia is a rare sleep disorder characterised by the unconscious engagement in sexual activities ranging from moaning to full intercourse, with no memory of the actions upon waking. This condition, a type of parasomnia, affects an estimated one in ten people and can lead to aggressive sexual behaviour, legal issues, and embarrassment. Understanding the underlying sleep disorders and treating them is crucial for managing sexsomnia, which occurs during stage 3 NREM sleep when the prefrontal cortex is inactive.

How to turn your crappy old Nokia into a vibrator

In an innovative twist, women in India are repurposing old Nokia phones as vibrators due to the scarcity of sex toys. This article explores various methods to safely transform your outdated device into a source of personal pleasure, highlighting the importance of creativity and safety in sexual exploration.

Getting dirty cleanly

Understanding sexual hygiene is crucial for preventing disruptive bacteria and infections in the vagina. This article delves into the importance of cleanliness during sexual activities, particularly anal play, and the role of proper lubrication, avoiding harmful products, and the potential dangers of certain contraceptives on vaginal health. It emphasizes preventative measures to maintain a healthy bacterial balance and protect against infections.

Can meditation improve your sex life?

Research has illuminated the profound impact mindfulness and meditation have on enhancing female sexual desire, reducing sex-related distress, and improving psychological well-being. This article delves into how mindfulness practices not only bridge the gap between mental and physical arousal in women but also contribute to greater sexual motivation and consciousness, leading to improved sexual function and greater overall satisfaction.


To get you started on your periods, we’ve made a very simple period guide to start you and your period off on the right foot.

How to put in a tampon

Inserting a tampon can be daunting for first-timers, but it doesn't have to be. This guide breaks down the process into simple, pain-free steps, from selecting the right tampon size and style, using lubrication to ease the process, to finding the comfortable insertion position. Whether it's for menstrual care or vaginal treatments, mastering tampon insertion is a valuable skill for anyone with a vagina.

Tampons being used to find sewerage in rivers

In a novel approach to environmental conservation, UK scientists are using tampons to detect the presence of optical brighteners from detergents in rivers, indicating sewerage pollution. This method aims to identify homes improperly connected to the sewer system, contributing to water pollution and biodiversity changes. The research highlights the sensitivity of tampons to these chemicals, making them an effective tool in tracking and addressing pollution in waterways.

How to get hormone and blood testing

Understanding the optimal days for hormone and blood testing can significantly impact the accuracy of your results. Whether you're experiencing symptoms influenced by hormonal imbalances or simply wish to check your health status, knowing the correct day of your menstrual cycle or adjusting for menopausal status is crucial. This article guides you through choosing the right day for testing, interpreting results with a practitioner, and navigating private testing options.

The smell of blood – why your period smells metallic

The metallic smell of period blood, often compared to the scent of coins, is not directly caused by iron but by the interaction of iron with skin oils or blood itself. This article explores the complex chemical reactions that lead to the creation of odorous carbonyl hydrocarbons, challenging common misconceptions and shedding light on how our bodies and blood interact with metals. It also delves into how these smells affect us psychologically, revealing intriguing gender differences in our responses to the scent of blood.

Is my period pain normal?

Period pain is a common experience, but severe period pain is not normal and may indicate underlying health issues. This article explores the difference between normal and severe period pain, natural treatments for managing discomfort, and the importance of seeking medical advice for persistent or severe pain. It also touches on conditions like endometriosis and the role of diet and lifestyle changes in managing menstrual pain.

Aunt Vadge: my period gives me the jeeb and now I’ve hurt myself

Dealing with the discomfort of periods can lead to over-wiping and resulting in vaginal cuts and swelling. Aunt Vadge offers advice on gentle care, avoiding irritating products, and managing tampon use to prevent damage and ensure healing. Learn how to navigate menstrual hygiene without causing harm to your body.

6 great period tips and tricks for beginners

Navigating your period can be challenging for beginners. This article covers crucial tips such as selecting the appropriate tampon size for your flow, addressing period pain, understanding period clots, correctly disposing of tampons, combating 'old blood' smells, and managing ruined underwear. It emphasises the importance of hygiene, pain management, and tracking your menstrual cycle to ease the period experience.

Period undies and swimwear

Period undies and swimwear are innovative solutions for menstrual management, offering an eco-friendly, budget-friendly, and comfortable alternative to traditional sanitary products. They are designed to let your period flow naturally, providing leak-proof, moisture-wicking, and antimicrobial benefits. With a variety of styles available, they cater to different needs and preferences, making periods easier to manage for women and teenagers alike.


The most common infections are bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections. You can also catch infections from others, known as sexually transmitted infections. 

Signs that you have an infection or overgrowth include discharge that seems unusual – it might be watery, smelly, chunky or coloured. No matter what, if you suspect an infection, see your doctor for a test. 

The microbiome of the penis

Recent studies have shifted focus towards the penis microbiome, revealing its significant impact on male fertility, susceptibility to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and the overall health of the male genital tract. This article delves into the complexities of the penis microbiome, examining its role in health and disease, and the shared bacterial communities between sexual partners. With a closer look at conditions like bacteriospermia and the influence of circumcision, this guide offers a thorough understanding of the emerging research in this area. LOGIN This is exclusive content for members only! For access to all this and more, you need Killing

Understanding Community State Types

Recent studies have identified five general groups of vaginal microbiomes, known as Community State Types (CSTs), which are primarily distinguished by the type and quantity of Lactobacillus bacteria. Understanding these CSTs is crucial for recognizing potential symptoms, the risk of infections, and the overall health of the vaginal microbiome. This article delves into the characteristics of each CST, their significance in vaginal health, and the pivotal role of Lactobacillus in regulating pH levels, impeding harmful pathogens, and reducing inflammation.

My Vagina 2-Week Pathway Clean Up

Embark on a two-week journey to rejuvenate your vaginal health with a comprehensive Pathway Clean Up. This reset involves six pillars: eliminating harmful habits, optimising diet, incorporating beneficial supplements, enhancing detox pathways, ensuring healthy sleep, and effectively managing stress. Tailored to promote overall well-being, this guide offers practical steps and tips to revitalise your vagina and improve your quality of life.

Impact of Cinnamomum on Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, known for causing severe infections, forms resilient biofilms leading to chronic conditions and increased drug resistance. However, compounds derived from Cinnamomum, such as cinnamtannin B1, exhibit potent antimicrobial properties that disrupt biofilm formation, quorum sensing, and virulence factor production, showcasing a promising avenue for novel treatment strategies against these formidable bacterial colonies.

Aunt Vadge: Do I need to tell my partner?

Debating whether to disclose a past bout of bacterial vaginosis (BV) to a new partner? Aunt Vadge highlights the importance of honesty in relationships but reassures that sharing past health issues like BV is optional. It's about comfort, trust, and the present connection. Whether to share or not is your choice, but either way, it doesn't define your relationship's future.

Killing BV – the definitive guide

Explore the most crucial guides ever written on understanding and treating bacterial vaginosis. This definitive guide provides insight into effective treatments for bacterial vaginosis in both vaginas and penises, offering readers a thorough understanding of this common condition.

The science behind cinnamon’s significant biofilm activity

Cinnamon, traditionally known for its aromatic and culinary qualities, is now emerging as a potent therapeutic agent in combating bacterial and fungal biofilm-associated infections. Recent studies highlight its effectiveness against biofilms, which are implicated in various medical complications and are notoriously difficult to treat. Cinnamon's natural compounds, especially cinnamaldehyde, demonstrate significant antibacterial and antifungal properties, targeting biofilms at various development stages and offering new avenues for infection control and treatment.

Impact of Cinnamomum on Staphylococcus aureus biofilms

Cinnamomum and its derivative, cinnamaldehyde, have shown significant potential in combating methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) biofilms, presenting a hopeful alternative to conventional antibiotics. These substances not only inhibit biofilm formation on medical surfaces but also disrupt preformed biofilms and reduce the expression of crucial genes involved in biofilm maturation and bacterial adhesion. This breakthrough could pave the way for new treatments against the menacing multidrug-resistant pathogen, S. aureus.

Hormones and the Menstrual cycle

Part of the rest of your life is going to be managing the signs of your fertility – mopping up period blood, figuring out when you are probably ovulating, birth control, acne, moods. These signs of your fertility are all caused by hormones, which fluctuate in a predictable pattern across your menstrual cycle.

How to get hormone and blood testing

Understanding the optimal days for hormone and blood testing can significantly impact the accuracy of your results. Whether you're experiencing symptoms influenced by hormonal imbalances or simply wish to check your health status, knowing the correct day of your menstrual cycle or adjusting for menopausal status is crucial. This article guides you through choosing the right day for testing, interpreting results with a practitioner, and navigating private testing options.

How to moisten a dry vagina

A dry vagina can be a source of discomfort and interfere with sexual activity. This article explores various solutions, including the use of lubricants during sex, daily vaginal moisturisers, and hormonal treatments like vaginal oestrogen creams and hyaluronic acid serum, to help maintain vaginal health and comfort. It provides practical advice on choosing the right products to avoid irritation and enhance your sexual experience.

Hormones and the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is a series of predictable hormonal fluctuations beyond just reproduction. This guide simplifies the cycle from hormones like oestrogen and progesterone to key events like menstruation and ovulation, offering insights into the changes your body goes through from puberty to menopause. Understand the signs of ovulation and the impact of your cycle on mood, physical health, and sexual well-being.

How to fix PCOS

Managing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) involves a blend of medical treatments and lifestyle changes. From the combined oral contraceptive pill to diet and exercise modifications, this article explores various strategies to alleviate PCOS symptoms. It highlights the importance of addressing the underlying causes, such as insulin resistance, through dietary adjustments, herbal remedies, and specific exercises tailored for PCOS. An evidence-based protocol offers guidance on the optimal combination of treatments and lifestyle interventions.

Understanding oestriol (E3)

Oestriol (E3), the weakest yet significant oestrogen, plays crucial roles during pregnancy and offers therapeutic benefits, including alleviating atrophic vaginitis and potentially managing multiple sclerosis symptoms. Despite its limited research, E3's unique properties make it a valuable component in hormone therapy, especially in Europe where it's widely approved and used. This article delves into E3's production, benefits, and the ongoing debate surrounding its safety in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.

What’s the difference between PMS and PMDD?

Understanding the difference between premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment. While PMS symptoms are often physical, PMDD primarily affects mood and can significantly impact daily life. This article dives into the symptoms, diagnosis criteria, and treatment options for both conditions, helping you identify if you might have PMDD and what steps to take next.

What are polycystic ovaries?

Polycystic ovaries are characterized by the presence of multiple cyst-like follicles on the ovaries, often associated with PCOS, affecting fertility and hormonal balance. While having some follicles is normal, more than 12 per ovary indicates a condition that can lead to symptoms like acne, irregular periods, and insulin resistance. Understanding this condition is crucial for women experiencing related symptoms.

How stress causes acne

Stress significantly impacts acne development by causing hormonal imbalances, leading to increased sebum production and inflammation. This article delves into the cortisol-insulin-androgen connection and offers insights into managing stress and dietary changes to mitigate acne. It also highlights the secondary effects of stress on vaginal health, underscoring the interconnectedness of stress, diet, and skin health.

Birth Control and Contraception

While you might not need it right now, it pays to be prepared! Choosing birth control and contraception can be complicated, so get all the information before you need it. 

The first step when you’re starting out is to protect yourself with barrier methods to stop the transmission of unhealthy bacteria from vagina-penis, vagina-vagina and especially anus-vagina. 

Are Coca-Cola douches a good method of birth control?

In an intriguing dive into unconventional birth control methods, gynaecologist Deborah Anderson studied the efficacy of Coca-Cola douches as a spermicide. Despite historical claims of its sperm-killing properties, research reveals that not only is Coke ineffective at preventing pregnancy, but it may also pose significant risks to vaginal health, including damage to vaginal cells and increased susceptibility to infections. This article sheds light on the history, studies, and reasons why Coke fails as a contraceptive, emphasizing the importance of safer, more reliable birth control options.

Douching as a form of birth control

Douching is an ineffective and risky method of birth control, historically popular before modern contraceptives. It can harm vaginal health and even push sperm closer to the egg, making pregnancy more likely. Learn the facts and safer alternatives.

Aunt Vadge: on patch, but period is two days late

A 20-year-old from South Africa, using the patch for birth control and to manage ovarian cysts, expresses concern over a two-day late period despite negative pregnancy tests. Aunt Vadge reassures that hormonal contraception, when used correctly, is highly effective, but advises on potential hormonal interruptions and the importance of understanding one's body and the effects of artificial hormones.

How fertile is precum?

Precum's fertility varies among men, with some having fertile precum and others not. A study found that 41% of men had live sperm in their precum, raising questions about the effectiveness of the withdrawal method as a form of birth control. This article explores the nuances of precum fertility and its impact on pregnancy risk.

Getting your tubes tied – female sterilisation – tubal ligation

Tubal ligation is a permanent form of birth control that blocks the fallopian tubes to prevent pregnancy. It's a significant decision with a low failure rate and no impact on periods or libido. While it offers freedom from the fear of unexpected pregnancy, it's crucial to be sure as reversals have a high failure rate. This article delves into the procedure, recovery, effects on menstruation and sex life, and factors to consider before opting for female sterilisation.

Contraceptive sponges

Contraceptive sponges offer an invisible method of birth control but come with challenges such as a high failure rate and potential reduction in sexual pleasure. This article delves into their effectiveness, the use of natural sea sponges as an alternative, and the practical aspects of using and removing contraceptive sponges.

Progress on male contraceptives

The landscape of male contraceptives is evolving, with new hormonal and non-hormonal methods undergoing clinical trials. Despite the challenges of side effects and economics, the demand for male birth control options is rising, driven by a desire for reproductive autonomy and the limitations of current methods like condoms and vasectomy. This article delves into the progress of research, including promising trials on progestogen and testosterone injections, contraceptive gels, and innovative non-hormonal approaches like Vasalgel.

How men can help take responsibility for no babies

This comprehensive guide delves into how men can actively participate in preventing unwanted pregnancies by understanding female ovulation cycles, the effectiveness and limitations of various birth control methods, and the significance of male contraception options. It emphasizes the importance of mutual responsibility in sexual health and fertility, debunking myths around birth control and highlighting the crucial role of communication and education in navigating reproductive choices.

Body Confidence

Got a new boyfriend and BV? How to explain it

Discussing bacterial vaginosis (BV) or aerobic vaginitis (AV) with a new partner can be challenging. This guide offers practical advice on navigating these conversations with clarity and empathy, emphasizing the importance of factual communication and mutual understanding. It also covers the significance of safe sex and the potential impact of BV and AV on intimacy, providing strategies for maintaining a healthy relationship despite these conditions.

Jewellery, tattoos, vajazzling and muff stylin’

Adorning the vulva with jewellery, tattoos, vajazzling, and unique hair styles has evolved into an accessible form of self-expression. From clitoral hood piercings to pubic tattoos, the options for genital art are vast and varied. However, it's crucial to choose experienced professionals for these procedures to avoid complications like infections or nerve damage. Muff hairstyling remains a popular and less risky way to personalize one's pubic region, reflecting one's style and body shape.

Vagina and penis are not dirty words: teaching kids about their bodies

Discussing genitals using their correct names with children is crucial for their safety, self-confidence, and to foster open communication. It's not just about body positivity but also about abuse prevention, helping children articulate discomfort or pain accurately, and preparing them for changes during puberty. The article emphasizes the importance of parents overcoming their hesitations to provide their children with the knowledge they need for a healthier and happier life.

Brazilian, French and American bikini waxing styles

Bikini waxing has evolved into a form of personal expression, with the Brazilian, European (often misunderstood as French), and American styles leading the trends. Each style has its unique history and cultural significance, from the Brazilian wax's Hollywood fame to the conservative approach of the American wax. Understanding the differences can help you choose the best style for your body shape and personal preference.

The truth about vaginal tightness and looseness

The tightness or looseness of a vagina is a topic shrouded in myths. Contrary to popular belief, sexual activity and childbirth do not permanently alter vaginal tightness. The vagina's elasticity, similar to the mouth, allows it to stretch and return to its original state. Understanding pelvic floor muscles and their role in vaginal tone is crucial for debunking misconceptions and promoting women's health.

Aunt Vadge: I lack sexual confidence – help!

Aunt Vadge addresses a common concern among many women - sexual insecurity. Through practical advice and compassionate encouragement, she guides readers on a journey towards sexual confidence, emphasizing the importance of self-acceptance, vulnerability, and positive action. Whether it's dealing with body image issues or fear of intimacy, Aunt Vadge offers a roadmap to a more fulfilling and confident sexual life.

Vag Musings

Jewellery, tattoos, vajazzling and muff stylin’

Adorning the vulva with jewellery, tattoos, vajazzling, and unique hair styles has evolved into an accessible form of self-expression. From clitoral hood piercings to pubic tattoos, the options for genital art are vast and varied. However, it's crucial to choose experienced professionals for these procedures to avoid complications like infections or nerve damage. Muff hairstyling remains a popular and less risky way to personalize one's pubic region, reflecting one's style and body shape.

Yeast Vs HO: a fantastic story, it’s not what you think

This article unfolds an epic narrative between histamine, oestrogen, and yeast, explaining how their interactions lead to vaginal and other health issues. It delves into the body's complex society, where histamine and oestrogen play crucial roles, and how yeast overgrowth disrupts this balance, leading to a series of health problems. The story provides insights into the mechanisms behind these issues and offers guidance on restoring harmony within the body.

Understanding cissexism – are you a cissexist?

Cissexism occurs when individuals, particularly those who identify with their birth sex, fail to acknowledge or accept gender and sex diversity, leading to exclusion or ignorance towards non-binary and transgender individuals. This article delves into the definition of cissexism, its manifestations, and the importance of understanding sex and gender beyond the binary classification, urging for a more inclusive approach in our language, actions, and societal structures.

Gay Dave’s Tales From the Other Side Part 2

In this heartfelt narrative, Gay Dave shares his poignant journey of exploring intimacy beyond his gay identity, leading to an emotional rollercoaster with a woman. This tale unfolds the complexities of love, sexuality, and the courage to confront societal expectations, ultimately revealing the transformative power of authentic connections.

My Vagina got a poem – go on, read it!

At a unique pop-up art event, Jasmine Downing was challenged to compose a poem about a vagina, resulting in a captivating piece that celebrates femininity and creativity. Using a typewriter and a 20-minute time limit, Downing's work is a testament to the power and beauty of poetic expression.

Skins: condoms made from sheep intestine

Sheep intestine condoms, known for their natural feel akin to real skin, have gained popularity for those seeking a hormone-free birth control option. While they offer unparalleled sensitivity and are biodegradable, it's crucial to note that they do not protect against STIs. These condoms, a throwback to ancient practices, are now easily accessible online, offering a unique experience for both men and women, despite their higher cost and specific maintenance requirements.

The story about how I bought vaginal tightening gel because my boyfriend had a small penis

Embarking on a personal quest to improve sexual compatibility, a woman turns to vaginal tightening gel as a solution to her relationship's physical mismatch. Despite her efforts, she learns that true sexual satisfaction comes from compatibility rather than adjustments. This story sheds light on the often unspoken challenges of physical intimacy and the journey towards self-acceptance and finding a truly matching partner.

How to make yoghurt with your vaginal bacteria

In a daring culinary and scientific experiment, Cecilia Westbrook, an MD/PhD-qualified scientist, created yoghurt using her own vaginal secretions, exploring the symbiotic community of lactobacilli that reside in the vagina. Despite its tangy taste, experts caution against potential health risks.