
Should I take probiotics on an empty stomach or with food?

The debate on whether to take probiotics on an empty stomach or with food continues, but evidence suggests that consuming them with food enhances their survival and efficacy. The acidic environment of an empty stomach can kill probiotics, while food not only buffers stomach acid but also provides nutrients that

Candida (yeast) sensitivity or allergy in the vulva or vagina

Candida albicans can trigger an allergic reaction known as allergic vaginitis, presenting symptoms similar to yeast infections but often resistant to standard treatments. This article delves into the nuances of diagnosing and managing Candida allergy, highlighting the potential of allergen immunotherapy and the importance of dietary adjustments alongside conventional antifungal

Candida krusei vulvovaginal infections

Candida krusei is a rare type of yeast infection, presenting with familiar symptoms but notable for its resistance to common antifungal treatments. Unlike more common yeast infections, C. krusei is often resistant to fluconazole and miconazole, requiring alternative treatments such as boric acid or clotrimazole. This article explores the symptoms,


Chancroid is a bacterial sexually transmitted infection resulting in painful genital sores, primarily caused by Haemophilus ducreyi. It leads to small blisters that develop into deep sores, potentially forming large ulcers. Diagnosis often involves exclusion of other STIs due to the lack of a specific test, with treatments including antibiotics

Study: DNase disrupts biofilm of G. vaginalis

A 2013 study revealed DNase's ability to inhibit Gardnerella vaginalis biofilms, suggesting a novel treatment method for bacterial vaginosis (BV). While DNase shows promise in disrupting biofilms essential for G. vaginalis survival, its application in humans is still under research. This enzyme, also used in cystic fibrosis treatment, is not

A review of urinary alkalisers

Urinary alkalisers, including potassium citrate, sodium citrate, and sodium bicarbonate, are used to alleviate symptoms of urinary tract infections (UTIs) by making the urine more alkaline. While they do not cure UTIs, they can reduce the minimum amount of antibiotics needed to combat the infection. However, their safety and efficacy


The University of San Francisco, California, is conducting a clinical trial for Lactin-V, a potential breakthrough treatment for bacterial vaginosis. This study aims to compare the effectiveness of Lactin-V, which includes MetroGel and Lactobacillus crispatus, against a placebo over a three-month period. The trial is seeking participants who meet specific

Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) – how it can affect the vagina and urinary tract

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), primarily known for causing infectious mononucleosis, can also impact the vagina and urinary tract, leading to symptoms such as vulvar ulcers, vaginal discharge, and urinary pain. This article delves into the manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment options for EBV-related genitourinary symptoms, shedding light on a lesser-known aspect

Prevotella spp. in the vagina and mouth

Prevotella, a gram-negative bacterium, is a significant component of the normal flora in both the mouth and vagina, playing a dual role in health and disease. It's involved in various infections and has a notable resistance to many antibiotics, highlighting the importance of understanding its behavior and transmission, especially concerning

Vaginal Health

Understanding vaginal tastes (the good and the bad)

Understanding the nuances of vaginal taste can significantly affect sexual health and enjoyment. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of how different elements like diet, hygiene, and natural body secretions impact taste, and offers actionable advice on how to manage and enhance these factors for a better intimate experience.

How fertile is precum?

Precum's fertility varies among men, with some having fertile precum and others not. A study found that 41% of men had live sperm in their precum, raising questions about the effectiveness of the withdrawal method as a form of birth control. This article explores the nuances of precum fertility and

How tampons work

Tampons are designed to absorb menstrual blood, placed near the cervix and held by vaginal muscles. While they are highly effective, improper use can lead to issues such as bacterial overgrowth, dryness, vaginal fissures, and allergies. This article explores how tampons work, their potential effects on vaginal health, and provides

Vaginal boric acid fact sheet

Boric acid, often misunderstood due to its use as a pesticide, plays a crucial role in treating vaginal infections by inhibiting the growth of bacteria and fungi. This guide demystifies boric acid, highlighting its safety, effectiveness, and the scientific backing behind its use for vaginal health. Understanding the difference between

What does it feel like for a girl? A flesh comparison

This article delves into the scientific concept of homologues, explaining how male and female genitals share similar tissues, such as the labia majora being akin to the scrotum, and the clitoris to the penis. It highlights the shared base cells from which human reproductive systems are developed, offering insights into

Poland: free electronic prescriptions for emergency contraceptives from WoW

In response to Poland's 2017 decision to limit access to emergency contraception by requiring a doctor's prescription, Women on Web is now providing free prescriptions from a European doctor to ensure women's access to the morning after pill. This initiative supports women's rights and health by facilitating access to emergency

Choosing the best birth control for you

Choosing the right birth control involves understanding the impact on your body and lifestyle. From STI prevention to hormonal and non-hormonal methods, this guide helps you navigate the options to find what works best for you, emphasizing the importance of being in tune with your body's needs and the potential

What happens during a gynaecological pelvic exam

A gynaecological pelvic exam is a necessary, though often daunting, experience for many women. This comprehensive guide demystifies the process, covering reasons for exams, what to expect during the examination, and the importance of maintaining a detailed gynaecological history. From understanding menstrual cycles to preparing for physical exams, this article

Medicines that affect your libido

Drug-induced sexual dysfunction is a prevalent issue, impacting the sexual health of many women on medication. From high blood pressure meds to antidepressants, and antipsychotics to anti-androgenics, various prescriptions can lead to decreased libido, arousal issues, and orgasm difficulties. Understanding the normal sexual response and exploring alternatives or adjustments with


Pregnancy tests – how to get accurate results

Understanding how pregnancy tests work, including the detection of the hCG hormone and the best times for testing, is crucial for accurate results. Home tests offer convenience and early detection, while blood tests at the doctor's office provide definitive confirmation. Learn about the factors affecting test accuracy and how to

EVENT PASSED: Abortion drone flying to Northern Ireland 21 June 2016, protest at 2.30pm in Belfast

On 21 June 2016, an abortion drone flew from Ireland to Northern Ireland, carrying abortion pills to highlight and protest against the restrictive abortion laws in both regions. This act of solidarity was organized by several groups, including Alliance for Choice and Women on Waves, aiming to showcase the violation

Vaginal prolapse, pelvic organ prolapse and vaginal/pelvic relaxation syndromes

Vaginal and pelvic organ prolapse occurs when pelvic organs lose support and protrude into the vaginal canal, causing discomfort and health issues. This article delves into the various types, symptoms, and treatments of prolapse, including pelvic physiotherapy, pessaries, and surgical options. It highlights the importance of understanding fascia's role, the

BV in pregnancy

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) in pregnancy poses a significant risk for preterm delivery, affecting the baby's development in the crucial final trimester. Despite the commonality of BV, and its association with premature birth, certain treatments during pregnancy can safely manage the condition. Studies highlight the complexities of treating BV with antibiotics,

Gestational trophoblastic disease (molar pregnancy)

Gestational trophoblastic disease, or molar pregnancy, involves abnormal growth of placental tissue, potentially leading to serious pregnancy complications. This condition can manifest with symptoms such as vaginal bleeding, an enlarged uterus, and severe vomiting, and can range from benign to malignant tumours. Treatment options include surgical removal of the mass,

Your vagina and vulva during pregnancy

Pregnancy brings a myriad of changes to your vaginal and vulvar health, including increased discharge, swelling, and varicose veins, amongst others. Understanding these changes is crucial for maintaining comfort and health during this transformative period. This article delves into what to expect and how to care for your reproductive system

What happens to your vagina when you give birth

Giving birth can significantly affect your vagina and vulva, from serious tears during delivery to changes in elasticity and dryness postpartum. This article explores the physical transformations your body undergoes during and after vaginal birth, the process of healing, and essential tips for caring for your vagina post-birth. Understanding these

Genital herpes in pregnancy

Pregnant women with a herpes diagnosis face concerns about transmitting the virus to their baby, potentially leading to neonatal herpes. The article discusses the risks associated with contracting herpes during pregnancy, the implications of neonatal herpes, and the measures pregnant women can take to prevent transmission, including the use of

Abortion (pregnancy termination)

Abortion is a procedure to end a pregnancy, using either medical or surgical techniques, ensuring a safe and legal option for women. With a success rate of about 98% for medical abortions and various surgical options available up to the second trimester, understanding the process, safety, and emotional aftermath is


Turner syndrome

Turner syndrome, also known as 45, X or XO syndrome, is a chromosomal condition exclusive to females, characterized by a single X chromosome. With symptoms ranging from lack of breast development to infertility, Turner syndrome presents a unique set of challenges. Diagnosis often occurs around puberty, highlighting the importance of

Differences of Sexual Development (DSD)

Differences of sexual development (DSD) encompass a spectrum of conditions that diverge from typical male or female development in the womb. Previously known as intersex conditions, DSDs are more common than often perceived, with conditions like congenital adrenal hyperplasia affecting 1 in 15,000 live births globally. This article delves into

Cervical hypoplasia

Cervical hypoplasia is a condition where the cervix is underdeveloped, leading to symptoms like absent menstrual cycles and abdominal pain. Diagnosis involves pelvic exams, blood tests, and imaging. The condition's impact on fertility and menstruation varies, requiring personalized medical guidance.


Clitoromegaly, or an atypically large clitoris, arises due to various factors including hormonal interruptions and chromosomal differences, with treatments ranging from surgery to hormone therapy. This condition, while often not medically concerning, can be addressed for aesthetic reasons, with most treatments aiming to preserve sexual function.

Vaginal hypoplasia – the partial vagina

Vaginal hypoplasia is an underdevelopment of the vagina, ranging from mild to severe cases, and is often associated with MRKH syndrome. Treatment options include self-dilation and vaginoplasty, with a focus on managing symptoms and improving quality of life. This condition, affecting 1 in every 3,000-5,000 live births, highlights the importance

In utero exposure to DES

In the mid-20th century, diethylstilbestrol (DES) was widely used to prevent pregnancy complications. However, research later linked in utero DES exposure to an increased risk of vaginal cancers, structural changes in the reproductive system, and other health issues in offspring. Despite millions exposed, the instances of vaginal cancer are rare,

Complete, mild, or partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS, MAIS, PAIS)

Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) encompasses conditions like CAIS, MAIS, and PAIS, where individuals genetically male (46, XY) may develop with female characteristics due to their cells' inability to respond to androgens. This article delves into the nuances of these conditions, including diagnosis, physical characteristics, psychological impacts, and management strategies, offering

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is an adrenal gland disorder impacting cortisol synthesis due to an enzyme defect, leading to varied developmental effects. This condition, caused by a genetic mutation, can result in excessive or deficient sex hormone production, affecting sexual development and fertility. Treatment focuses on symptom management and hormone

Cervical agenesis

Cervical agenesis is a rare congenital condition where the cervix fails to develop, leading to various reproductive and menstrual complications. This article explores the causes, diagnosis, and treatment options for individuals affected by this condition, highlighting the importance of medical intervention in managing symptoms and improving quality of life.


Signs and symptoms of perimenopause

Perimenopause marks the transition towards menopause, characterized by fluctuating hormone levels leading to various symptoms such as menstrual irregularities, mood swings, hot flushes, and more. Recognizing these signs can help in managing this significant phase of life more comfortably.

PCOS: Why don’t I just take the pill to fix my hormones?

The combined oral contraceptive pill, commonly known as 'the pill', is a popular treatment for PCOS and hormonal imbalances, but it comes with significant side effects and does not address the root causes of these conditions. This article delves into how the pill works, its impact on hormones, potential risks,

Understanding oestriol (E3)

Oestriol (E3), the weakest yet significant oestrogen, plays crucial roles during pregnancy and offers therapeutic benefits, including alleviating atrophic vaginitis and potentially managing multiple sclerosis symptoms. Despite its limited research, E3's unique properties make it a valuable component in hormone therapy, especially in Europe where it's widely approved and used.

Premature ovarian failure (or insufficiency)

Premature ovarian failure (POF), also known as premature ovarian insufficiency (POI), signifies the ovaries' reduced or ceased function before age 40, often without a clear cause. This condition leads to decreased hormone production, irregular ovulation, and consequently, infertility. Distinguished from early menopause, POF can be caused by genetic conditions, autoimmune

How to moisten a dry vagina

A dry vagina can be a source of discomfort and interfere with sexual activity. This article explores various solutions, including the use of lubricants during sex, daily vaginal moisturisers, and hormonal treatments like vaginal oestrogen creams and hyaluronic acid serum, to help maintain vaginal health and comfort. It provides practical

Understanding relative oestrogen excess

Relative oestrogen excess refers to the imbalance of oestrogen levels compared to other hormones in the body, impacting various health aspects. This condition, influenced by factors like age, obesity, hormone therapies, and environmental oestrogens, can lead to conditions such as endometriosis and cancers. Understanding and managing this hormonal imbalance through

Vaginal prolapse, pelvic organ prolapse and vaginal/pelvic relaxation syndromes

Vaginal and pelvic organ prolapse occurs when pelvic organs lose support and protrude into the vaginal canal, causing discomfort and health issues. This article delves into the various types, symptoms, and treatments of prolapse, including pelvic physiotherapy, pessaries, and surgical options. It highlights the importance of understanding fascia's role, the

Atrophic vaginitis in breast cancer survivors

Breast cancer survivors often face the challenge of atrophic vaginitis due to the cessation of oestrogen production from treatments. This condition, affecting up to 70% of survivors, leads to vaginal dryness, discomfort, and emotional distress. However, alternatives to E1 and E2 oestrogen therapy, such as E3 therapy, lifestyle changes, and

Quick List: How histamine works with oestrogen, progesterone and cortisol

This comprehensive guide explores the intricate relationship between histamine and female hormones such as oestrogen, progesterone, and cortisol. Learn how these interactions can affect women's health, particularly in relation to menstrual cycles, stress, and conditions like asthma and endometriosis. The article delves into the science behind histamine's role in the


Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction (PSSD)

Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction (PSSD) is a condition affecting individuals after the cessation of SSRIs, leading to persistent sexual side effects. Despite the discontinuation of these antidepressants, symptoms such as genital numbness, decreased libido, and difficulty achieving orgasm can persist indefinitely, with no current cure. This article delves into the symptoms,

Getting dirty cleanly

Understanding sexual hygiene is crucial for preventing disruptive bacteria and infections in the vagina. This article delves into the importance of cleanliness during sexual activities, particularly anal play, and the role of proper lubrication, avoiding harmful products, and the potential dangers of certain contraceptives on vaginal health. It emphasizes preventative

Understanding and treating keratin pearls

Keratin pearls, tiny irritants formed by keratin and squamous cells, can cause significant clitoral pain.

Sleep sexing – understanding sexsomnia

Sexsomnia is a rare sleep disorder characterised by the unconscious engagement in sexual activities ranging from moaning to full intercourse, with no memory of the actions upon waking. This condition, a type of parasomnia, affects an estimated one in ten people and can lead to aggressive sexual behaviour, legal issues,

Orgasmic disorder – anorgasmia (Coughlan’s Syndrome)

Anorgasmia, or orgasmic disorder, is not solely a psychological issue but can stem from a myriad of causes including nerve damage, medication side effects, and hormonal imbalances. Understanding its classifications, causes, and treatments is crucial for those affected to navigate towards a solution. This article delves into the nuances of

How to perform cunnilingus on a woman

This detailed guide explores the art of cunnilingus, offering insights on preparation, communication, and techniques to enhance pleasure. From understanding female anatomy to mastering the perfect tongue movements, learn how to navigate the complexities of oral pleasure. Discover the importance of cleanliness, the power of anticipation, and the significance of

Medicines that affect your libido

Drug-induced sexual dysfunction is a prevalent issue, impacting the sexual health of many women on medication. From high blood pressure meds to antidepressants, and antipsychotics to anti-androgenics, various prescriptions can lead to decreased libido, arousal issues, and orgasm difficulties. Understanding the normal sexual response and exploring alternatives or adjustments with

Study: Ginkgo biloba for female sexual dysfunction caused by SSRI use

Sexual dysfunction, a common side-effect of SSRI antidepressants, may be effectively treated with Ginkgo biloba, according to recent studies. With success rates as high as 91% for women, Ginkgo biloba offers hope for those experiencing decreased arousal, lubrication issues, and difficulties achieving orgasm due to antidepressant use. Research highlights the

Common cancer treatments and how they affect sexuality and fertility

Cancer treatments can significantly affect sexuality and fertility, leading to changes such as vaginal dryness and variations in vaginal size. However, the preservation of these functions is possible with at least one functioning ovary or through hormone replacement therapy. This article delves into the impacts of various cancer treatments on


The smell of blood – why your period smells metallic

The metallic smell of period blood, often compared to the scent of coins, is not directly caused by iron but by the interaction of iron with skin oils or blood itself. This article explores the complex chemical reactions that lead to the creation of odorous carbonyl hydrocarbons, challenging common misconceptions

Is my period pain normal?

Period pain is a common experience, but severe period pain is not normal and may indicate underlying health issues. This article explores the difference between normal and severe period pain, natural treatments for managing discomfort, and the importance of seeking medical advice for persistent or severe pain. It also touches


This article serves as a simple period guide to help you understand and manage your menstrual cycle better. It aims to set you and your period on the right path, providing essential tips and insights for easier period management.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) are conditions that manifest as a range of emotional and physical symptoms before a menstrual period. Understanding the nuances between PMS and PMDD, including their symptoms, potential causes, and treatment options, is crucial for those affected. This article explores the complexities of

Menstrual cups

Menstrual cups are a sustainable, reusable alternative to tampons, designed to catch menstrual flow. This guide covers how to insert them, what to avoid, potential issues, and other period product alternatives. Ideal for those looking for an eco-friendly option, it details sizes, insertion techniques, and maintenance advice for menstrual cups,

What your period blood colour and consistency means

The colour and consistency of your period blood can offer clues about your overall health. From bright red indicating a healthy period to dark, thick, or brown blood suggesting slower flow, and even pale, watery blood hinting at hormonal imbalances, this article delves into what various period blood characteristics might

Aunt Vadge: I took a dry tampon out and now I’m bleeding

Removing a dry tampon can cause discomfort and slight bleeding, a common issue for tampon users, especially beginners. Aunt Vadge advises on how to mitigate pain and assures that minor bleeding is not usually a cause for concern. She also debunks the myth of lake water worsening the condition, offering

How to use sanitary pads and pantyliners

This article delves into the use, materials, and environmental impact of sanitary pads and panty liners, offering insights into choosing the right products for menstrual and daily hygiene needs. It highlights the differences between pads and liners, the importance of selecting safe materials, and suggests eco-friendly alternatives like menstrual cups

Dioxins in US tampons – why it isn’t a concern

Recent concerns over dioxins in tampons have sparked widespread debate. However, advancements in manufacturing and stringent FDA testing reveal that the levels of dioxins in tampons are negligible, posing no health risk. This article demystifies the scare, explaining the nature of dioxins, the shift in tampon production methods, and why

Pelvic CANCERs

Radiation-induced vaginal stenosis (narrowing of the vagina)

Radiation-induced vaginal stenosis is a narrowing and loss of elasticity in the vagina, often resulting from radiotherapy for cancer. This condition can lead to discomfort, pain during sex, and a decrease in vaginal function. Early treatment, including the use of vaginal dilators and oestrogen creams, can improve outcomes. Support from

Fallopian tube cancer

Fallopian tube cancer, primarily adenocarcinoma, presents with vague symptoms, making early detection challenging. Treatment often involves surgery, including total hysterectomy and omentectomy. Understanding its signs, like pelvic discomfort and unusual discharge, is crucial for early intervention.

Common cancer treatments and how they affect sexuality and fertility

Cancer treatments can significantly affect sexuality and fertility, leading to changes such as vaginal dryness and variations in vaginal size. However, the preservation of these functions is possible with at least one functioning ovary or through hormone replacement therapy. This article delves into the impacts of various cancer treatments on

Human papillomavirus (HPV)

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a major cause of cervical cancer and other genital cancers, with vaccines available to prevent infection from its most dangerous strains. Understanding HPV's spread, its link to cancer, and the importance of vaccination and regular pap tests is key to prevention. This article explores the ways

Vulvar cancers

Vulvar cancer, primarily affecting women past age 60, develops in areas like the labia minora and majora, and the perineum. Types include Squamous cell carcinoma, Vulvar melanoma, and more. Symptoms range from itching and soreness to unusual lesions. Early diagnosis through regular self-examination and understanding risk factors such as HPV

Bladder cancer

Bladder cancer, predominantly transitional cell carcinoma, presents through symptoms like blood in urine and frequent urination. Risk factors include age, smoking, and chemical exposure. Diagnosis involves cystoscopy and biopsy, with treatments ranging from chemotherapy to cystectomy. Understanding the types, staging, and prognosis of bladder cancer is crucial for effective management.

AP resection and your vagina

An abdominoperineal (AP) resection, a common procedure for colon cancer, may involve the removal of parts of the vaginal canal, impacting sexual function and confidence. This article delves into the surgery's effects on the vagina, potential for sexual pleasure post-operation, and strategies for managing changes, including the use of lubricants

Urethral cancer

Urethral cancer, though rare, poses significant challenges in diagnosis and treatment, particularly in women. Symptoms range from urinary issues to painful urination and lesions, with the best outcomes stemming from early detection. Treatment options include surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy, each with potential complications. Understanding the specifics of urethral cancer, its

Sex with an ostomy

Having good sex with an ostomy is totally possible, with the right preparation and mindset. From managing your stoma discreetly to engaging in comfortable sexual positions, this article provides practical advice for maintaining intimacy and confidence in your sexual life post-surgery. Learn how to communicate with partners, select the right