Vaginal epithelial cells – a short description

Vaginal epithelial cells play a crucial role in reproductive health, with their types and stages offering insights into hormonal changes and potential health issues. From basal to superficial cells, each type has unique characteristics and implications for conditions like atrophic vaginitis and the effects of medications like Tamoxifen.

The Vaginal Maturation Index

The Vaginal Maturation Index (VMI) is a vital diagnostic tool that evaluates the effect of oestrogen on the vaginal cells, helping in the assessment of menopausal stages, hormonal imbalances, and the impact of treatments like tamoxifen. By analyzing the ratio of parabasal, intermediate, and superficial cells, VMI offers insights into

What ‘being a virgin’ actually means (and doesn’t mean)

Virginity is often seen as a measure of purity and worth, particularly in women, but this perspective is outdated and overlooks the complexity of human sexuality. The article delves into the arbitrary nature of virginity, the role of the hymen, and societal expectations, advocating for a more inclusive and personal

How to underwear if you have vulvovaginal issues

Choosing the right underwear is crucial for individuals with vulvovaginal issues. This article explores the importance of selecting the correct fabric, the benefits of white cotton, the necessity of using hypoallergenic detergent, and why tight underwear can exacerbate problems. It also discusses the advantages and considerations of going commando, especially

Diaphragm contraceptive devices

Diaphragm contraceptives, though considered old-fashioned, offer a stable barrier against pregnancy with a 90-95% effectiveness rate. They require careful fitting, maintenance, and understanding of usage to prevent potential side-effects and ensure reliability. This comprehensive guide covers everything from how to use, care for, and the potential risks associated with diaphragm

Your vagina and vulva during pregnancy

Pregnancy brings a myriad of changes to your vaginal and vulvar health, including increased discharge, swelling, and varicose veins, amongst others. Understanding these changes is crucial for maintaining comfort and health during this transformative period. This article delves into what to expect and how to care for your reproductive system

What does a healthy vaginal microbiome look like?

The vaginal microbiome, comprising bacteria and yeasts, plays a crucial role in vaginal and reproductive health. Variations in this microbiome can lead to discomfort and health issues, yet many remain unaware of its significance. This article delves into the essentials of a healthy vaginal microbiome, its key components like Lactobacillus

Understanding the pelvic floor

The pelvic floor is a vital set of muscles supporting pelvic organs, aiding in childbirth, and enhancing sexual function. Weak or tight pelvic floor muscles can lead to urinary incontinence, bowel issues, and sexual dysfunction. This guide explores the importance of these muscles, common issues, and exercises to strengthen and

Aunt Vadge: is my butthole weird?

Addressing concerns about the appearance of the butthole, Aunt Vadge reassures that extra skin, hair, and discoloration are normal. She emphasizes self-acceptance and provides advice on dealing with these common issues, encouraging readers to focus on their positive attributes and not to obsess over minor imperfections.

How to use fermented foods to your vaginal advantage

The article emphasizes the critical role of prebiotics and fermented foods in supporting vaginal microflora and reproductive health. Highlighting the necessity of a diet rich in soluble fibre and fermented foods, it offers practical advice on incorporating these elements into daily meals to foster a healthy vaginal ecosystem. The piece

How to clean ‘that stuff’ (smegma) from your vulva safely and effectively

Smegma, an oily substance that accumulates between the labia and under the clitoral hood in women, can be tricky to clean due to its nature. This article guides on safely removing smegma, preventing build-up, and maintaining vulvar hygiene without causing harm to the delicate genital area. It emphasizes the importance

Ingredients to keep away from your vag – bubble bath, here’s looking at you!

This article highlights key ingredients found in personal care products that are harmful to the vulva, such as Sodium lauryl sulfate, DEA, TEA, synthetic fragrances, and Triclosan. It emphasizes the importance of avoiding these substances to maintain the health of your intimate area and recommends checking product labels carefully.

The intrauterine device (IUD)

The intrauterine device (IUD) is a small, T-shaped device that offers an effective contraceptive solution with minimal hormonal interference, allowing for a natural menstrual cycle. With options including the copper IUD and the hormonal IUD, it's essential to understand their workings, benefits, and potential side effects to make an informed

How to track your menstrual cycle and identify ovulation

Understanding and tracking your menstrual cycle and ovulation can be empowering. By observing the character and sensations of vaginal fluids, you can chart your cycle and identify fertile days without complex measures. This article guides you through the steps of cycle tracking, interpreting your findings, and understanding the significance of

How to get rid of BV

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is more than just an imbalance; it's a resilient condition sustained by a biofilm that conventional treatments can't eliminate. Our evidence-based protocol is designed to permanently remove this biofilm, offering a definitive solution to BV. With continuous research and updates, our program includes a comprehensive book, unlimited

Feeling your cervix for signs of ovulation

Understanding the position, texture, and moisture of your cervix can provide valuable insights into your ovulation cycle. By learning how to feel your cervix at different times of your cycle, you can become more in tune with your body's fertility signals. This article guides you through the process of checking

A healthy sexual response

The human sexual response encompasses four distinct phases: desire, excitement, orgasm, and resolution. This journey, which can be experienced alone or with a partner, begins with a spark of desire, escalates through heightened arousal, peaks at orgasm, and concludes with a calming resolution. Each phase contributes to a comprehensive sexual

Review: FemDophilus – how and why it works

FemDophilus is a dietary supplement containing two patented strains of probiotic bacteria, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14, designed to support and maintain a healthy vaginal flora. Research suggests that daily use may help prevent pathogenic bacterial colonisation, offering a natural option for women seeking to maintain vaginal health

STI testing

Regular STI testing is a critical step for anyone engaging in sexual activities, aimed at ensuring sexual health and preventing the spread of infections. It's recommended to get tested annually, or more frequently if engaging in high-risk behaviors, to stay ahead of infections that can be transmitted even without traditional

How to make yoghurt with your vaginal bacteria

In a daring culinary and scientific experiment, Cecilia Westbrook, an MD/PhD-qualified scientist, created yoghurt using her own vaginal secretions, exploring the symbiotic community of lactobacilli that reside in the vagina. Despite its tangy taste, experts caution against potential health risks.

Review: Klaire Labs Ther-biotic Complete – what’s in it?

Klaire Labs Ther-biotic Complete offers a blend of 12 probiotic strains, including some found in the vaginal tract. However, it lacks most strains typical in healthy vaginal flora, making it a great gut health supplement but potentially less effective for vaginal health. The review delves into the specifics of the

Bartholin glands

The Bartholin's glands, located near the vaginal entrance, play a crucial role in lubrication during sexual arousal. However, they can sometimes develop problems such as cysts and abscesses, leading to discomfort and requiring medical intervention. This article explores the function of these glands, common issues that can arise, and the

Getting dirty cleanly

Understanding sexual hygiene is crucial for preventing disruptive bacteria and infections in the vagina. This article delves into the importance of cleanliness during sexual activities, particularly anal play, and the role of proper lubrication, avoiding harmful products, and the potential dangers of certain contraceptives on vaginal health. It emphasizes preventative

Study: Lactobacillus attacks G. vaginalis biofilm

Recent studies highlight the power of Lactobacillus species, particularly L. reuteri RC-14, in attacking and dissolving the biofilms created by Gardnerella vaginalis. This breakthrough offers a promising alternative to traditional treatments that have failed to effectively combat the biofilms associated with bacterial vaginosis. The study showcases the specificity of the

Study: the impact of freezing techniques on lactobacilli survival rates

Exploring the impact of freezing on lactobacilli, this study reveals that slow-cooling and pre-freezing stress significantly improve bacterial survival rates. It highlights the adaptability of bacteria to freezing conditions, offering insights into preserving probiotics effectively.

Vag basics

The vagina and vulva are integral parts of female anatomy, each with unique structures and functions. From sexual pleasure to childbirth, this guide demystifies their roles and explains the difference between the two, complete with engaging diagrams to enhance understanding. Discover the complexities of these body parts, their contribution to

Everything you need to know about pap tests and pap smears

A Pap smear or Pap test is a crucial screening tool for cervical health, aimed at detecting precancerous changes in cervical cells. It involves collecting cells from the cervix using a scraping tool and a tiny brush, which are then examined for abnormalities. This article covers everything from the procedure's

The clitoris and female orgasm

The clitoris, a paramount sexual organ, plays a crucial role in female sexual arousal and orgasm. Its anatomy, varying in size and sensitivity among women, consists not only of the visible glans but also of extensive internal structures. This article delves into the clitoris's development, historical observations, its anatomy including

The down-low on pubic hair

Pubic hair serves both aesthetic and protective roles, with trends fluctuating from full bushes to complete removal. This article delves into the history, care, and various removal methods of pubic hair, highlighting the importance of personal preference and comfort. Whether embracing the bush or opting for laser hair removal, understanding

How do lesbians lose their virginity?

The concept of virginity in lesbian and queer relationships transcends traditional definitions, focusing on a variety of first sexual experiences rather than the presence of a penis. This article delves into how personal beliefs and intimate moments, from first orgasms to oral sex, shape the understanding of virginity among lesbians,

Human papillomavirus (HPV)

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a major cause of cervical cancer and other genital cancers, with vaccines available to prevent infection from its most dangerous strains. Understanding HPV's spread, its link to cancer, and the importance of vaccination and regular pap tests is key to prevention. This article explores the ways

Brazilian, French and American bikini waxing styles

Bikini waxing has evolved into a form of personal expression, with the Brazilian, European (often misunderstood as French), and American styles leading the trends. Each style has its unique history and cultural significance, from the Brazilian wax's Hollywood fame to the conservative approach of the American wax. Understanding the differences

Tools to clear up a smelly vagina

Unpleasant vaginal odours can be distressing, but understanding the balance of vaginal flora is key to finding a solution. This article explores the causes of bad smells, such as STIs and bacterial imbalances, and offers a range of treatments from lactulose and probiotics to herbal blends and simple home remedies

Using probiotics vaginally – you may need to switch capsules

Not all probiotic capsules are created equal, especially when it comes to vaginal health. Enteric-coated and gelatin capsules may not be the best choices for vaginal use due to dissolving issues and potential irritation. My Vagina recommends switching to 100% pure vegetable capsules, like those used in Life-Space Women's Microflora

Aunt Vadge: pain, yellow discharge, spotting, not resolved by Dalacin

Doderlein's cytolytic vaginosis, or lactobacillus overgrowth syndrome, can be challenging when Dalacin fails. Learn about alternative treatments, including a simple pH-balancing douche, to restore vaginal health.