
To get you started on your periods, we’ve made a very simple period guide to start you and your period off on the right foot.

Why your period stopped (secondary amenorrhoea)

If your period has unexpectedly stopped, it's essential to understand why. This article delves into the various causes of secondary amenorrhoea, from pregnancy and hormonal contraceptives to stress and dietary factors. It also covers diagnostic approaches and potential treatments, emphasizing the importance of seeking medical advice to identify and address

Dioxins in US tampons – why it isn’t a concern

Recent concerns over dioxins in tampons have sparked widespread debate. However, advancements in manufacturing and stringent FDA testing reveal that the levels of dioxins in tampons are negligible, posing no health risk. This article demystifies the scare, explaining the nature of dioxins, the shift in tampon production methods, and why

How to put in a tampon

Inserting a tampon can be daunting for first-timers, but it doesn't have to be. This guide breaks down the process into simple, pain-free steps, from selecting the right tampon size and style, using lubrication to ease the process, to finding the comfortable insertion position. Whether it's for menstrual care or


This article serves as a simple period guide to help you understand and manage your menstrual cycle better. It aims to set you and your period on the right path, providing essential tips and insights for easier period management.

Reasons you don’t have your period yet

Understanding the reasons behind primary amenorrhoea, or the absence of the first menstrual cycle, is crucial for young women. This condition can range from being a late bloomer, having low body fat, to more serious issues like genetic conditions or anatomical abnormalities. It's essential to consult a healthcare provider to

Aunt Vadge: I took a dry tampon out and now I’m bleeding

Removing a dry tampon can cause discomfort and slight bleeding, a common issue for tampon users, especially beginners. Aunt Vadge advises on how to mitigate pain and assures that minor bleeding is not usually a cause for concern. She also debunks the myth of lake water worsening the condition, offering

What to do if you lose your tampon

Tampons can't get lost inside you, but losing track of the string can be worrying. Learn safe removal techniques and when to seek medical help for a tampon that's difficult to retrieve. Understand the implications of a tampon left inside and how to avoid potential health issues.

Understanding light or irregular periods (oligomenorrhoea)

Irregular periods, or oligomenorrhoea, can be a sign of underlying health issues or natural life changes. This article explores the causes, from hormonal imbalances like PCOS and thyroid issues to lifestyle factors, and outlines both medical and holistic treatment options. Understanding the reasons behind irregular menstrual cycles is the first

Causes of heavy periods

Heavy periods, or menorrhagia, can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormonal imbalances, uterine fibroids, and more. Understanding the underlying causes is key to finding the right treatment. This article delves into the complexities behind heavy menstrual bleeding, offering insights into both medical and alternative approaches to managing

Is my period pain normal?

Period pain is a common experience, but severe period pain is not normal and may indicate underlying health issues. This article explores the difference between normal and severe period pain, natural treatments for managing discomfort, and the importance of seeking medical advice for persistent or severe pain. It also touches

Aunt Vadge: my period gives me the jeeb and now I’ve hurt myself

Dealing with the discomfort of periods can lead to over-wiping and resulting in vaginal cuts and swelling. Aunt Vadge offers advice on gentle care, avoiding irritating products, and managing tampon use to prevent damage and ensure healing. Learn how to navigate menstrual hygiene without causing harm to your body.

How to get hormone and blood testing

Understanding the optimal days for hormone and blood testing can significantly impact the accuracy of your results. Whether you're experiencing symptoms influenced by hormonal imbalances or simply wish to check your health status, knowing the correct day of your menstrual cycle or adjusting for menopausal status is crucial. This article

Tampons being used to find sewerage in rivers

In a novel approach to environmental conservation, UK scientists are using tampons to detect the presence of optical brighteners from detergents in rivers, indicating sewerage pollution. This method aims to identify homes improperly connected to the sewer system, contributing to water pollution and biodiversity changes. The research highlights the sensitivity

Understanding and treating period pain

Period pain, medically known as dysmenorrhoea, can significantly impact daily life, causing individuals to miss work or school. This article delves into the causes, ranging from uterine cramping to conditions like endometriosis, and explores a variety of treatment options, including lifestyle changes, medication, and alternative therapies. Understanding the type of

How tampons work

Tampons are designed to absorb menstrual blood, placed near the cervix and held by vaginal muscles. While they are highly effective, improper use can lead to issues such as bacterial overgrowth, dryness, vaginal fissures, and allergies. This article explores how tampons work, their potential effects on vaginal health, and provides

Why tampons don’t fall out

Tampons are designed to fit comfortably inside the vagina, held in place by the muscular walls and the pelvic floor muscles. The inner vagina, having fewer nerve endings, allows for a tampon to sit suspended without sensation. Understanding the natural tension of these muscles and the anatomy of the vagina

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) are conditions that manifest as a range of emotional and physical symptoms before a menstrual period. Understanding the nuances between PMS and PMDD, including their symptoms, potential causes, and treatment options, is crucial for those affected. This article explores the complexities of

Menstrual cups

Menstrual cups are a sustainable, reusable alternative to tampons, designed to catch menstrual flow. This guide covers how to insert them, what to avoid, potential issues, and other period product alternatives. Ideal for those looking for an eco-friendly option, it details sizes, insertion techniques, and maintenance advice for menstrual cups,

Periods: hygiene and etiquette

Understanding period hygiene and etiquette is crucial for not only personal comfort but also for the comfort of those around us. From the importance of not leaving used tampons or pads in sight, to the correct disposal methods for menstrual products, this article covers essential tips on managing menstrual blood

What to expect from your period

Understanding your menstrual cycle is crucial for managing it effectively. This article covers essential aspects of periods, including how to track them, deal with period pain, choose sanitary products, and recognize signs of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). It also touches on the importance of knowing your

How nature figures out when we get our periods

Research reveals intriguing insights into how living conditions and family composition affect the age at which girls get their first period. From the presence of siblings to the percentage of body fat, various factors contribute to this significant milestone in a woman's life. This article delves into the evolutionary strategies

Hormones and the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is a series of predictable hormonal fluctuations beyond just reproduction. This guide simplifies the cycle from hormones like oestrogen and progesterone to key events like menstruation and ovulation, offering insights into the changes your body goes through from puberty to menopause. Understand the signs of ovulation and

Review: VH Essentials PMS Daytime Symptom Relief – what is it and what does it do?

VH Essentials PMS Daytime Symptom Relief is a vitamin supplement aimed at easing PMS symptoms such as tension, irritability, and cravings, with a blend of Vitamin C, B6, calcium, and magnesium. Not FDA approved, it's designed for use in the week leading up to menstruation, promising improved mood and memory

Understanding toxic shock syndrome

Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) is a potentially fatal condition caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. While commonly associated with tampon use, TSS can affect anyone, including men and children. Symptoms are often mistaken for the flu, making early diagnosis challenging. This article explores the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and prevention of

Aunt Vadge: tampon starts to fall out after 15 mins

Aunt Vadge addresses a common concern among young women about tampons falling out shortly after insertion. She explains the importance of positioning the tampon correctly, close to the cervix, and offers practical advice for both applicator and non-applicator tampon users to ensure the tampon stays in place, supported by vaginal

What your period blood colour and consistency means

The colour and consistency of your period blood can offer clues about your overall health. From bright red indicating a healthy period to dark, thick, or brown blood suggesting slower flow, and even pale, watery blood hinting at hormonal imbalances, this article delves into what various period blood characteristics might

Having sex with a tampon in, and tricks for sneakily taking it out

Having sex with a tampon in can lead to it getting stuck at the top of your vagina, but with the right approach, it doesn't have to be a problem. This article offers practical advice on how to enjoy tampon sex safely and how to sneakily remove a tampon if

Aunt Vadge: I yanked a tampon out and now it hurts

A first-time tampon user shares her painful experience of yanking out a tampon, leading to severe discomfort and potential vaginal damage. Aunt Vadge advises against harsh removal and highlights the need for medical examination to address any underlying issues such as vulvodynia or damage to the vaginal wall.

Aunt Vadge: Do I have a short vagina?

An 18-year-old expresses concerns about experiencing pain during tampon insertion and fearing a short vagina. Aunt Vadge explains potential causes like a microperforate hymen and the importance of seeking medical consultation to explore anatomical normalcy and practical guidance for ease of insertion.

Period undies and swimwear

Period undies and swimwear are innovative solutions for menstrual management, offering an eco-friendly, budget-friendly, and comfortable alternative to traditional sanitary products. They are designed to let your period flow naturally, providing leak-proof, moisture-wicking, and antimicrobial benefits. With a variety of styles available, they cater to different needs and preferences, making

The invention of tampons

Tampons revolutionised menstrual care, evolving from ancient homemade solutions to the modern, convenient Tampax. This article explores the history of tampons, from the papyrus tampons of ancient Egypt to the invention of the first modern tampon by Dr. Earle Haas, and the rise of brands like Tampax and Johnson &

The smell of blood – why your period smells metallic

The metallic smell of period blood, often compared to the scent of coins, is not directly caused by iron but by the interaction of iron with skin oils or blood itself. This article explores the complex chemical reactions that lead to the creation of odorous carbonyl hydrocarbons, challenging common misconceptions

Study: How early life circumstances affect menarche and menopause

This article delves into the significant ways in which the circumstances of our early lives can predict key events such as the timing of menarche and menopause. It highlights the link between early periods, later menopause, and health risks such as breast cancer, while also exploring the role of factors

The facts about toxins in tampons

This article addresses common concerns about tampons, debunking myths about asbestos and dioxin, and highlighting the importance of choosing safe menstrual products. It reassures readers about the general safety of tampons while also acknowledging the risks associated with super-absorbent tampons and toxic shock syndrome (TSS). The piece encourages informed choices,

How to use sanitary pads and pantyliners

This article delves into the use, materials, and environmental impact of sanitary pads and panty liners, offering insights into choosing the right products for menstrual and daily hygiene needs. It highlights the differences between pads and liners, the importance of selecting safe materials, and suggests eco-friendly alternatives like menstrual cups

Tampon absorbency ratings

Navigating through the various tampon absorbency ratings can be daunting, especially with the risk of toxic shock syndrome (TSS) and the fear of leaks. This guide breaks down the ratings from Mini to Ultra, helping you make informed choices based on your menstrual flow and reducing the chances of ruining

6 great period tips and tricks for beginners

Navigating your period can be challenging for beginners. This article covers crucial tips such as selecting the appropriate tampon size for your flow, addressing period pain, understanding period clots, correctly disposing of tampons, combating 'old blood' smells, and managing ruined underwear. It emphasises the importance of hygiene, pain management, and

What is free bleeding?

Free bleeding, a term describing the act of menstruating without sanitary products, serves as a feminist statement against period stigma, the high cost of menstrual products, and their environmental impact. Originating from a failed anti-feminist hoax, the movement gained traction, highlighting the societal need to destigmatize menstruation and consider the

What’s the difference between PMS and PMDD?

Understanding the difference between premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment. While PMS symptoms are often physical, PMDD primarily affects mood and can significantly impact daily life. This article dives into the symptoms, diagnosis criteria, and treatment options for both conditions, helping